Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Andrew Breitbart at posts an snakey video of Shirley Sherrod, a USAD employee in Georgia, to make it appear that she, a black government employee, is a racist. What a dishonest moron! Turns out she was telling a parable of how as a young woman she confronted and overcame her own bias to help a poor white farmer save his home and to cast aside the old views. The farmer still owns his farm and gratefully counts Ms. Sherrod as a friend.

I spent half my adult life as a Republican but just as many Germans rejected the Nazi Party, I have rejected the GOP and their underhanded, amoral tactics. These tactics are not new, just more vile. They go far beyond anything the Nixon plumbers or Lee Atwater ever devised. Karl Rove and his followers have made an art of lies and deception. (And before the right-wing nuts to too nuts, Papa Joe Kennedy and Mayor Daddy Daley served the Dems very well in that arena, too.) But being the party of "No!" and the party of "No Lie is Too Big!" have taken the practice to heights never before seen. Not only that, they have created the Tea Party to further spread their filth. The time has come for the rest of us to fight back!